
Airport ' Charles de Gaulle Airport'(25.00 Km)

В отеле:

  • Круглосуточное бюро регистрации, Фойе, Интернет, Кондиционер в отеле, Парковка
  • Услуги: This hotel comprises a total of 85 rooms, including single, double, three-bed and four-bed accommodation. The hotel has a 24-hour reception, as well as a spacious communal area with a bar, a lounge and an enchanting breakfast salon from which guests may enjoy a view of the attractive courtyard. Furthermore, visitors are invited to take advantage of the laundry service, WLAN Internet access and the parking facilities.
  • Беспроводной Интернет: Да


Адрес: 24 rue Cadet Paris - 9

  • +7 (812) 740-10-10

    +7 (921) 740-52-82

    191002, Санкт-Петербург, Щербаков переулок., дом 17А

    ст.метро "Достоевская" и "Владимирская"

    ПН-ЧТ с 11-00 до 19-00 без перерыва
    ПТ с 11-00 до 18-00 без перерыва
    суббота и воскресенье - выходные дни